Photo Adventures with Friends

This post is a little bit of a hodgepodge of photos but I've been wanting to share these for awhile here they are, all at once! That's what happens when I take a break from blogging. There is a lot to catch up on!

Over the years, I have experimented with photography and even picked up a film camera or two. I am constantly trying to learn more about the craft but I know I am still quite the amateur. That is fine with me! I like having a reason to learn.

Thankfully a lot of my close friends are incredible photographers and have taught me a few tricks of the trade. The photos above are from a rainy day photo adventure I went on with my friend Jordan. He has amazing video skills, too. He also shot my book party video! The photos down below are from a few different days spent with my best friend Sara.

If I'm honest, everything I shoot during these photo adventures doesn't really have a purpose. However, the time spent with these friends has been incredibly purposeful.  Not only do my friends help me gain confidence in my photography, they turn their lenses around on me and force me to stare my insecurities in the eye. These photos might seem silly at first. I mean, could l look more like a hipster, sitting on a bench with frizzy rain hair? Haha. Thankfully I am at a place where I can see so much more than a setting or person in these photos. I see creative and talented people doing what they love and encouraging their friends through their art. These photos are such gifts to me.

The lovely Sara has definitely helped me gain the most confidence. In addition to being just an incredible friend, her photography talent has caused me to grow in unexpected ways. I no longer hide my face or become consumed by fear when someone pulls out a camera. When you have someone taking your picture and forcing you to see yourself for who you really are, camera anxiety begins to fade.

I am so thankful for my friends who use their gifts to build up everyone they meet. They inspire me constantly. Also, we just have a ton of fun together!  I was just feeling a little deep today...haha.

All of my photos were shot with my PentaxK1000 35mm camera. It is still my favorite and I can't wait to get out and do some more shooting!