Sheepish Bloom Drop Results - Part Two

After hanging my flower basket on the bridge I left a few crochet flowers on a nearby fence. The little notes attached to my flowers said things like, "You deserve flowers."Just a simple thought that hopefully made someone think, "...Yeah! I do deserve flowers." :)
I love gathering up all of the photos from the Sheepish Bloom Drop in one place! I am so glad each and every one of you took the time to participate and left a flower for a random person in your community to find. You never know who needed to see that happy surprise to help them get through the day. Especially on days like September 11th, it is important to remember the good in the world. 
Here is the second batch of your Sheepish Bloom Drop creations...
I hope I got everyone! If I missed your Bloom Drop photo please let me know and I will add it to the post. 
Thank you again for joining the event! Did you have fun? Would you like to do another one again soon?