Sheepish Bloom Drop Results - Part One

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Sheepish Bloom Drop this weekend! It was so fun looking through all of your photos from around the world. My favorite part is when a random passerby found a #sheepishbloomdrop and posted it on Twitter and Instagram. It looks like the event made quite a few people smile. That was the goal! :)
I went out and dropped my blooms on Sunday afternoon. I left one of my flower cones on a bridge at a nearby park and another on my friend's car. She loved it! I also placed a few crochet flowers in different spots but I will share those pictures tomorrow. Here is Part One of the Sheepish Bloom Drop results! Thank you again for participating and spreading the word! 
I will share the second half of everyone's Bloom Drop creations tomorrow. I love looking through the #sheepishbloomdrop hashtag. It is so cool to think that some of these pretty blooms ended up in cities like London, Paris, and Amsterdam! 
I hope you are having a great week so far. I can't wait to host another yarn bomb! I am already thinking of themes...