Sponsor One Sheepish Girl in February!

My desk, notebook, and brain are currently overflowing with way too many yarny ideas. There is no off-switch for my yarn obsessed brain and I don't mind a bit. I am excited to share these projects and new inspirations here with you in the months ahead! I also plan on hosting another yarn bombing day in the next few weeks. February is going to be great!

I have large, medium, and small ad spaces available at this time. You can now purchase your ad directly on my sponsor page, upload your ad image to the Passionfruit site, and if your ad is approved, it will go live on my blog immediately. If the space you are interested in is full, it will be put in line and go live on the next available date. Also, I now offer three month ad bundles at a discounted rate. You can find all of this information and my newly updated blog statistics here.

Thank you so much for your continued support! Please email sheepishknitcrochet(at)gmail(dot)com if you have any questions.

I hope you are having a great day! I finally set up my Ravelry account and I am already addicted. :)
