Pre-Order Crochet with One Sheepish Girl!

I can't believe it!! After all of this time, I am finally able to hold my book in my hands.

I received a few advanced copies of Crochet with One Sheepish Girl from my publisher in the mail and cried sobbed tears of joy as I looked through every single page. I never thought this day would come! I am so proud of the finished product and all of the work that went into making this book a reality. I can't wait to celebrate the book when it is officially released on October 7th!! There definitely needs to be a party...dare I say...a par-tay. Haha.

Crochet with One Sheepish Girl is available for pre-order on Amazon right now! Click here to order your copy. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support along this journey. It is because of One Sheepish Girl and the amazing readers from around the world that this book became a reality. I can never thank you enough! I can't wait for you to get your hands on a copy and see photos as you work on the projects with your friends! So...thank you again for being so wonderful. Prepare yourselves, because I will be saying that a lot over the next few months. :)

The big day is almost here!! Let the countdown begin!