Embroidered Recipe Cards for Gathered by Mollie Makes!

Happy Friday (and February) everyone!

One of my favorite parts of the week is waking up to a new craft magazine every Friday morning. I was so happy to discover my embroidered recipe card project on the cover of the latest issue of Gathered today! I worked on this project several weeks ago and I am excited to finally share it with you. The more paper embroidery crafts I attempt, the more I realize that paper and thread provide endless possibilities for creativity.  I love how these simple, and stitchable, recipe cards turned out. I think if you wrote down your favorite recipe and attached the card to a tea towel or new baking pan it would make a great gift.

You can find my printable recipe card template available for download here. The instructions for the project are in Issue 16 of Gathered. I hope you give it a try! If you do, please share your photos here, on Facebook, or on Twitter.

How was your week? This one moved a little slow for me so I am more than ready to welcome the weekend and a new month.

What crafts are you working on this weekend?