I Heart Etsy Dallas x 50

For the Etsy Dallas Spring Bash all of the members contribute 50 little trinkets for the coveted bash bags.  The bags go to the first 50 people in line and are filled to the brim with goodies and discounts from the sellers at the bash. 
My freebie is a little knit heart. Even though they are tiny, they can be pretty tedious to make so I decided to make them in a rainbow of colors to keep things interesting. 
I'm almost done with the yellow hearts and then I will move on to green, blue and purple! I love these bright and cheerful colors!
But what should become of these little hearts? Should I leave them alone as their cute, plushy selves or should I make them into something more? I thought about adding a crochet loop to the hearts to make them an ornament. What do you think? 
Let me know if you like/don't like the loop and if you have any other ideas! 
(Also, do you like the new look to the blog? I have minimal experience with html, but I'm pretty proud of the results!)
etsy dallas, Knittingmeredith