Crochet Ombre Trend - Deramores Blog Competition

I am so excited to be part of the Deramores Blog Competition! They approached six craft bloggers and asked us to share one of our favorite trends in the crochet/knit world. I chose a crochet ombre trend because I loved working with the different colors on this crochet ombre basket pattern I created for my book, Crochet with One Sheepish Girl. Each of the baskets I created is made of three yarns in a similar color family. I love how it draws the eye toward the pop of color at the top and gradually goes down to the lighter color at the base. This trend can be interpreted in so many different ways and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

To enter the competition, all you have to do is blog your unique take on any of the trends featured by the bloggers on this page. Then you submit your entry on the Deramores website and you are entered to win a huge yarn prize!

What are some of your favorite yarn trends right now? I can't wait to see what you create for the contest! :)
